Page 31 - Βάνα Παπαϊωάννου - Μια Γέφυρα αλλιώτικη από τις... άλλες και ο Δράκος του Νερού
P. 31
So he followed his advice. The next day Nikos’s grandfather explained to him that the
Dragon had turned into a bad one because nobody had ever shown him what music
could do, what gentle feelings and nice ideas can be born from art and
he proposed an idea that could beat the steam trick of the Dragon in a magical
Τhe unique creation of a different bridge.
Αn invisible bridge made from strong materials, such as those of love, solidarity,
many papers with music notations of do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si and pá, vú, ghá, dhê,
ké, zô, nê, melodies from
classical music, Byzantine
chants and rhythms from
folk music called
΄΄Dimotiki mousiki΄΄.
As you see, those
materials were unknown for
the Dragon because of its
personal culture and knowledge.
When the clock sounded 7 o’ clock, little Nick met, secretly from the Dragon, all the
children from both cities, the seagulls who lived on the beautiful belfry of the church
of Saint Paraskevi which was envied over the years and centuries, the Moon
and the friends of his grandfather who were musicians in the Philharmonic orchestra
too and they began to create this different bridge in the most peculiar way.
Thus, the next dusk, the seagull after it had flown three times around the bell tower
of Saint Paraskevi, having carried in its beak all the colourful ribbons of musical
fairy tales and spread them across the castles of both towns, following a compass
that had the part of the North the Music Compositions, in the South East the Music
in the east the Families of
the Musical Instruments
and in the West the
An hour later the moon
came, which wove upon
the threads, with its silver
clouds more ribbons from
stardust so as to make
this bridge more stable.